One of the much sought after accommodation and food and beverage providers serving the mid-market, Dewasiri Seafood Restaurant in Hikkaduwa, has re-invested and upgraded to meet the demands of the modern day traveler.

Due to the superior service and friendly hospitality there many repeaters guests especially from Europe who are also long stay guests and today have added more luxury rooms to meet the demand of travelers adjusting to the limited space.

In addition the upgraded kitchen and increased staff to accommodate some of the walk-in guests who come to enjoy diverse cuisine which are very affordable.

Due to the beach frontage and facilities arranged for them in the beach both local and foreign guests also have the option to dine and enjoy the Indian Ocean. there is a possibility to accommodate around 30 guests in this restaurant and in the beach cabana area.

After doing several surveys it was found that there was a vacuum for quality seafood restaurants in Nuwara Eliya and Rs. 40 million was invested to open the Grand Dewasiri SeaFood Restaurant four years ago. Later five luxury rooms were added to this property.

The Grand Dewasiri Cottage offers three double rooms and one family room with a lobby with large cable TV and hot water, heater and other modern amenities. This restaurant, open for outside guests also offers special seafood and can accommodate 60 guests.


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