Mattala Rajapksa International Airport (MRIA) achieves ACI Airport Health Accreditation

Airports Council International (ACI) has certified Sri Lanka’s Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport for adopting health and safety measures in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic in line with the International Airport Health Accreditation program.

Airports Council International (ACI) certifies Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport’s commitment to prioritizing health and safety measures in accordance with International Civil Aviation Organization’s Council Aviation Restart Task Force (CART) recommendations and in alignment with the ACI Aviation Business Restart and Recovery guidelines along with industry best practices.

Certificate of ACI Airport Health Accreditation was presented to D V Chanaka, State Minister of Aviation and Export Zones Development.

“AASL always strives to maintain high standards in passenger safety and comfort at our airports while being attentive towards many airlines that patronizing Sri Lanka. Airport Health Accreditation is an affirmation of our commitment to maintaining high standards of health and safety in response to COVID19,” the Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (AASL) said.

“This will reassure many airlines and passengers of the level of safety adopted at our airports, are on par with the world’s best. At a critical juncture where air travel has been heavily hit by the pandemic, ACI accreditation will pave the way for airlines and passengers to build confidence in our efforts,” AASL further said.


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